Thursday, February 24, 2011

Darth Vader Volkswagen Commercial

So a little bit before the Superbowl this year I discovered the best commercial I've ever seen.  Just watch it and I'm sure you'll understand why:
I think it works so well because aside from being completely adorable, the storyline of the commercial is very familiar to the general audience.  First of all they used the image of Darth Vader, one of the most iconic characters of pop culture.  Even people who haven't seen Star Wars are likely to recognize this symbol as the dominating leader of "the dark side."  In the movies he is played by David Prowse, a body builder who towers over the other characters in the movie.  In the commercial they do just the opposite and have a little boy in the costume.  This is surprising, and catches your attention.  It's entertaining to watch this little boy parade around attempting to be a character that is by nature very large and dominating.
Little kids always have that one character that they always dressed up as and wanted to be like, whether it was Darth Vader, Superman, Cinderella, Tinkerbell, so this is very easy to relate to.  It brings back fond memories of your childhood, or of watching your kids grow up.  By reminding you of these good times you are likely to associate the car with the good emotions you are feeling.
The last really important part is that the commercial basically says that if you buy this car, you can achieve your goals.  Throughout the majority of the ad, the boy is running around his house trying to "use the force," but continuously fails.  When his dad drives home, it looks like he is going to make one last attempt at the force, and it works! (or so he thinks)  Either way, he finally achieved his goal, and it makes it seem like it will help you achieve your goals also.  It also shows that both the parents and the kid are happy at the end, also reminding you that if you buy this car, you'll be happy!
Overall I think this commercial is great.  I mostly love it just because it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen, and that little boy is an amazing actor even without seeing his face.  But then after looking deeper into it, it's obvious that there's a lot more going on to remind you of success and happiness.


  1. Yeah, I love this commercial. Personally, my favorite scene is when the boy has his head in his hands and refuses the lunch his mom tries to give him. The commercial appeals to pop culture, as Star Wars is iconic. Personally, I'm a big Star Wars fan so this commercial instantly caught my eye.

  2. I remember this commercial from the Super Bowl! I love how they can take a simple advancement that has been around for a quite a while, like the automatic start, and reintroduce it as something fresh and new. Plus cute kids always help!

  3. The above is certainly an amusing and cute commercial. I just wonder where a kid that age got a costume like that.

  4. This kid is absolutely adorable. How can you say no to him? It connects to the viewer, most of whom has no doubt seen at least one Stars Wars movie. Everyone had that movie or cartoon character that they always wanted to be. This child obviously wants Darth Vader's powers, which, as we know, does not seem possible. This is one of my all-time favorite commercials, but can I just ask if there is any other purpose to the remote control start than this?

  5. Darth Vader is my favorite villain ever. He's just so powerful and his presence immediately intimidates everyone around him. Seeing this commercial makes me want to dress up like Darth Vader this second.
