Sunday, May 1, 2011


Hello!  My name is Christina Brown.  Welcome to my E-portfolio.  I’ve created this portfolio to keep track of my academic progress at Penn State University.  I am a psychology major and plan on graduating in 2014. 

When I started college, I only had a vague idea of which direction I wanted to take my education.  I have always struggled with finding a single topic or area of study that particularly interested me.  I never found history or english too interesting, but they were bearable.  Even the subjects that I was more intrigued by such as psychology and math never sparked a passion.  I still have yet to find that subject that I am truly inspired by, but my college career thus far has started to guide me.

Through middle school and high school I was involved in a research study in the field of neuroscience led by one of my good friend’s mother.  Since then, I have been exploring the idea of possibly doing the same type of research after graduating college.  I have taken quite a few science classes that would be required to be involved in this research, and I’ve realized that they are quite difficult.  This realization has only boosted my attraction to this field of study. 

A couple of classes that I’ve taken thus far have not required my effort on my end to receive a decent grade in the class, but I also never got much out of them.  Although this is relaxing, it is not fulfilling.  Looking back on the courses that I’ve completed, I’ve found that I am most fond of the ones that required work, but also taught me the most.  I find that it is better to challenge myself than to breeze through classes because the more difficult classes will ultimately make me more competent.  I have already learned new ways to study, manage my time, and work that I am confident will continue to help me in my future endeavors.  Even though a career in neuroscience may be difficult, I am confident that it will be well worth the effort in the long run.

Christina Brown's E-Portfolio

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